Friday, January 24, 2020

God. Creator or Poet? :: Religion Religious God Essays

God. Creator or Poet? The Latin word â€Å"poet† means â€Å"creator†. Humans, realizing they are different from animals in the world, have been trying to rationalize things and themselves to the world ever since. Poets and writers used to come up with these far off imaginative ways of how to answer questions of life almost to explain it in a philosophical way. Who were the first humans? How did they come to be? What made the sun and the moon and the stars? Why the animals were made the way they were? What caused night and day, the seasons, the cycle of life itself? Why were some people greedy and some unselfish, some ugly and some handsome, some dull and some clever? As people pondered these questions and many more, they created stories that helped explain the world to their primitive minds. Storytellers told these tales again and again around the fires of the early tribes, by the hearth of humble cottages, before the great fire in the king's hall; they told them as they sat in the grass huts of the jungle, the Hogans of the Navajo, and the igloos of the Eskimo. Their children told them, and their children's children, until the stories were smooth and polished. And so people created their myths and their folktales, their legends and epics; the literature of the fireside, the poetry of the people, and the memory of humankind. They spoke what made them understand the unknown. However scholars choose to look at them, folktales and myths are literature derived from human imagination to explain the human condition. Literature today continues to express our concern about human strengths, weaknesses, and the individual's relationships to the world and to other people. This thought came up by Euhemerus in 300 B.C. He began the theory that once one war hero became respected and dies, people pass on their name while embellishing their heroic story. Soon, people forgot the fact that this hero was even human. Now, the hero was a God; an immortal God. The vast body of traditional literature was shaped verbally by generation after generation, simply because oral language was then the only language. (Even today, writing is far from universal. Of 2796 languages in the world, all have an oral form, but only about 153 have a written form.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Poverty in the World Essay

Many third world countries are faced by the challenges of poverty and unproductivity of land. The survival of the people who live in such nations depends mostly on aid from developed countries. There is a fact about the developed countries that needs to be addressed before the aid is delivered to the poverty stricken nations. The developed countries have gained that title due to the fact that they are way too ahead in terms of technology and industrialization. The returns they get from both domestic and foreign trade are redirected on further investment. Incase other nations faced by catastrophes; these returns are used to cover those in need of help. The intervention by these developed nations is a form of quick measures to calming situations down. Back at home, it is funny how the citizens from such nations struggle to make ends meet. Once foreign help is delivered to the nations that are faced by natural, human, or climatic catastrophes the people living in those countries assume that the aid comes from very rich countries. The truth of the matter of foreign aid is that once help is delivered from a certain country be it in form of money or food there are strings attached. If one country demands for help from another, there are possibilities that the national debt of that nation grows. On the other hand, if the help is in form of a donation through the international organizations it is likely that the help addressed the issue at hand and not the future. Going back to the issue of foreign aid and reduction of poverty; two crucial elements come to play. These include the issue being addressed and the type of aid being delivered. Foreign aid is mostly volunteered to suffering nations by developed nations. In other times, organizations and NGOs take responsibility to raise money that can be used to provide for the suffering lot. By assessing the nature of the issue that is being addressed, it can be told whether the form of aid aids in reducing poverty. Looking at the situation at the horn of Africa, the type of help that is being delivered to the starving communities in that region is food and medical supplies. Looking closely at the matter and others similar to that, it will be found out that foreign aid is not a form of borrowed capital but rather a last option. Foreign Aid cannot reduce poverty due to five reasons associated with the problems and the nature of help. First, foreign aid is delivered to rescue and not to prevent; second, it is given when the situation is almost escalating out of proportion; third, nations or parties that require foreign aid are marginalized and the living conditions don’t allow for any form of secondary benefit from the aid; fourth, starvation and disease outbreaks are mostly the problems requiring foreign aid to address the issue quickly; and finally, the nature of aid cannot be invested neither can it be used while other resources are redirected to other activities. The above reasons make foreign aid seem like some form of nutritional therapy’ whose importance is lengthening the period of survival as one witnesses the problems. The US and other nations have been donating relief food and vaccination to African nations and some Asian nations as well for a long time. However, it the aid is form of funds the situation changes from aid to assistance that requires repaying as times advances. Foreign aid d oes not come to the poor in form of basic needs but rather basic rescue. It would be otherwise if foreign aid was in form of compulsory jobs for the poor or mandatory quality education.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Perception of Listening Essay - 1756 Words

The Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is Listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listen takes effort, attention, and practice† (Stewart, 2006, p. 202).Listening skills allow people to make sense of and understand what another person is saying. In other words, listening skills allow you to identify with the meaning of what people†¦show more content†¦Although developing listening skills is a matter of choice, it is imperative everyone accomplish effective listening habits to avoid misunderstanding in all relationships. How to Listen The first aspect of listening is to learn how to listen effectively. In today’s society, communicating appropriately has everything to do with listening. Learning to be a good listener will help improve all relationships both professionally and personally. If people do not know how to listen well, they can easily be distracted and their mind will start to wander. Since listening plays an essential role in the communication process, developing listening skills are important because they will help interpret what the speaker is saying during feedback. In other words, the listener should be able to respond to what the speaker talked about for clarification purposes. Accordingly, becoming a better listener, and depending on the situation, there are three types of listening strategies that would be beneficial to ensure effective communication with other people. Hybels and Weaver (2007) states that â€Å"active listening, critical listening, and empathic listening are three different tactics that can be used in diverse situations† (p. 92).For instance, critical listeners’ focal point is to listen with determination and an open mind. They need to recognize and expect to learn something new from the speaker and ask questions about their viewpoints. AShow MoreRelatedThe Perception of Listening1162 Words   |  5 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay1959 Words   |  8 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are people really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay1135 Words   |  5 PagesThe Perception of Listening Listen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listenRead MoreThe Perception of Listening Essay examples1399 Words   |  6 Pages What is Listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a knack that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to lis ten takes effort, attention, and practice† (Stewart, 2006, p. 202)Read MoreEssay about The Perception of Listening 1168 Words   |  5 PagesListen up! Are you really listening? What is listening and why is it important? This paper will address the viewpoint of listening skills and its outcome. Listening is an essential tool, which is one of the constructive aspects in the communication process, for communicating with other people. To listen well is a talent that is learned. However, for people to listen effectively, they would need to practice to obtain the skill. †As with any new skill, learning to listen takes effort, attention, andRead MoreEffective Interpersonal Communication1002 Words   |  4 Pagescommunication requires three fundamental skills: being assertive, listening mindfully, and checking perceptions versus reality. Using each of these three skills can help avoid miscommunication and concurrent conflict. Moreover, assertiveness, mindful listening, and ch ecking perceptions all go hand-in-hand. 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